We have partnered with WISE to distribute rewards in your local currency directly through your bank. To receive your rewards:
- Create a personal WISE account.
- Complete the verification process.
- Obtain your WISE tag (if available in your region).
- Enter your WISE email address and your WISE tag (if available in your region) in the payment section of your StackUp Earn account.
• How to get my WISE tag?
Register for a personal WISE account here.
• I already have a WISE account. Where can I find my WISE tag?
• How do I enable my WISE tag?
On the WISE platform, go to Payments, click on Your Wisetag and click Get your Wisetag. This is how you can enable your WISE tag. Once you obtain it, copy and paste it onto your StackUp Earn's finance page as shown below.
Important note:
You won’t be able to edit your WISE email address or WISE tag on your own. If you need to make changes, please send a request to the StackUp team by opening a ticket. Therefore, ensure you enter the correct email address without any typos.